Mud Season

The morning was squandered, as such mornings should be, dozing in the drear light and letting my mind wander amidst the browns of the pre-spring wood that picks up just across the road.   Some kind of magnolia, riotous in (more…)

Lá Fhéile Pádraig

March 17: two day’s beyond the ides, a week before the eclipses.  St. Patrick’s (and it’s  Paddy’s — NOT St. Patty’s) day.  While these days, I list more toward older takes and understandings (though here too, not much for the (more…)


The second finest season of the year, and here I sit — hobbled.

Scratchy throat. Sneezing that leads to bloody nose. Eyes itchy: maddening with irritation. Exhausting.  HAY FEVER season! 

A regimen of steroids and antihistamines (with which I tread (more…)

Down from Parnassus

March 1st — it is a date I arbitrarily declare as the commencement of my exercise New Year.  

Both the Julian and the Gregorian calendars name our modern 3rd solar month after Martius (Mars).  The ancient Romans took a (more…)