Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas
the Quarantine Readings (complete playlist)
To pass time, to revisit a classic of counter cultural chaos and mayhem, to spend a little distance-time with you, I am setting out to read out loud every chapter from Hunter S. Thompson’s Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas.

Please tune in — Hell, share this link with a few people.
In addition, to the chapter links, I am sharing some of Ralph Steadman’s incorrigible illustrations. Thompson’s life-long associate and, perhaps, the one individual up for the task of giving image to HST’s maniacal insights, I have been drawn to Steadman’s work for over three decades. Most of these images were harvested from the 2019 KCMo retrospective of Steadman’s work. Included are several KC-specific images created when Ralph attended the 1976 Republican convention in KC. Others are from my personal collection. [if you haven’t, it might be fun for you to view Anthony Bourdaine’s episode of Destinations Unknown where he visits Steadman in his hometown in England].
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