Fear & Loathing chapter 6

The fuckers are closing the parks! Weston Bend State Park: literally a dozen miles of trails. Even when packed one may see one or two other humans every mile or so. How much further distant can one get and not bet in a coffin in the ground? What madness. Thank god those who OWN land are not touched by this… only those who have to rely on publicly held land. I know, I know … distancing.
Perhaps all this quarantining has made me grouse. I need my dopamine! NOW!
On that note, here’s the 6th installment of Fear & Loathing. The Pic, again poached from last year’s delightful exhibit of Ralph Steadman’s work at the KCMo Public Library.
NOTE: there are 5 previous installments, 5 previous chapters. Just scroll down my blog to listen in order. There are 8 more chapters to come… If you enjoy: 1) share the blog link with a friend or two, AND 2) go to my home page and share your email.